These are original articles and presentations created by members of the Hamilton Coin Society.

If you find these presentations useful, please let us know!


These presentations were delivered at Hamilton Coin Society meetings by our members. They are shared here for your own learning purposes, but also for other clubs to be able to use.

Roll Hunting Canadian Cents

Intro to Banknotes

The title slide of the Meet Bill presentatino.


These articles were written by our members. Those that were published will have the publication name and date with them, if available.

2020 Bill Reid Twoonie

This image shows the location of the die chips that can be found on the coin, as described in the article.

Meet Bill: Introduction To Banknote Collecting

Meet Bill: Vertical Series (2018)

A header image containing 4 Canadian vertical banknote designs

Meet Bill: Frontiers Series Pt. 1

Meet Bill: Frontiers Series Pt. 2